We have many varieties to offer you...
We have many varieties to offer you...
WL 3471.HVXRR gives growers tremendous value of flexibility in choosing to
maximize exceptional fiber digestibility, or accumulate greater yield potential by
delaying cutting frequency, without sacrificing feed quality. Lignin (ADL %, acid
detergent lignin) content of at least 15% less than competitive check varieties on
average gives WL 3471.HVXRR at least a 15% greater RFQ (relative forage quality)
and NDFD (neutral detergent fiber digestibility).
• Superb yield potential and agronomic characteristics under 3-cut system
if extending cutting frequency, or under 4- to 5-cut systems to maximize
feed value
• Our newest disease resistance greatly effecting establishment and in-crop
performance, WL 3471.HVXRR’s Disease Resistance Index (DRI) of 39/40 also
includes HR (high resistance) to enhanced multi-race aphanomyces1
, and
resistance to anthracnose race 52
• Disease Resistance Index (39/40) and very winterhardy, (1.9), delivering long
stand life under tough growing conditions
• WL 3471.HVXRR is stacked with Roundup Ready® Technology for exceptional
broad spectrum weed control and crop safety to maximize seedling survival at
establishment and provide a useful tool on established stands
• Well-adapted for Midwest, Northeast, Central and Northern Plains, as well as
Intermountain Regions and Northwestern U.S.; ideally-suited for on-farm dairy,
beef or cash hay producers
• Expect fast recovery for frequent harvest schedules under intense management