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AgriPro/Syngenta’s new release, AP24 AX, is a medium maturity, medium tall variety with CoAxium genetics and phenomenal yield potential. It has moderate resistance to Stripe Rust and Wheat Streak Mosaic and intermediate response to Soil Borne Mosaic and low PH soils. It is stable in both high and low yielding environments, making it broadly adapted in the central corridor.
PVPA status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
KS Providence is a recent release from Kansas Wheat Alliance with a very broad adaptation. It is an extremely high yielding variety with medium height and medium maturity. It has good resistance to leaf and stem rust and has an intermediate resistance to stripe rust. It is resistant to soil-borne mosaic virus and has an intermediate response to acid soils. It has very good straw strength and average grazing potential. The FHB resistance will likely be adequate for producers in the central corridor. The primary benefit of this line is very high yield potential.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
AP Prolific is a promising variety released in 2023 from AgriPro/Syngenta with powerful yield potential and a very pleasing record of disease resistance. It excels in low-PH soil tolerance (topping all varieties in AgriPro’s line-up) and in FHB resistance. It has excellent Leaf Rust resistance, intermediate resistance to Stripe Rust, and rates high on Wheat Streak Mosaic resistance. AP Prolific is a medium maturing variety of medium height with acceptable standability in dryland production. It is high tillering and well-positioned for outstanding yields in the central corridor.
PVPA status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
Westbred’s WB4422 recently hit the Central Plains as a broadly adapted variety with excellent drought tolerance and exciting yield potential. It is a medium maturing wheat of medium tall height and excellent straw strength. It has high protein content and very good milling and baking ratings. WB4422 has very good resistance to leaf rust and is susceptible to stripe rust. It has excellent test weight.
PVPA status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
Certified Goliath are a tall, late maturing multipurpose oat that can be used for grain or forage. It is a high yielding oat with good feed value, good test weight, and an excellent disease resistance package.
We offer Certified Goliath oats in 2 bushel bags (64#), in 60 bushel totes (1920#), and in true bulk (minimum 60 bushels). Contact us for more details.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
M-120 Oats
Mustang M-120 oats are a tall, late maturing, high tonnage forage oat with a wide leaf. These oats have out yielded other forage oats on tons per acre, and carry good leaf rust resistance.
We offer M-120 oats in 2 bushel bags (64#), in 60 bushel totes (1920#), and in true bulk (minimum 60 bushels). Contact us for more details.
WL 3471HVX.RR Alfalfa
WL 3471.HVXRR gives growers tremendous value of flexibility in choosing to
maximize exceptional fiber digestibility, or accumulate greater yield potential by
delaying cutting frequency, without sacrificing feed quality. Lignin (ADL %, acid
detergent lignin) content of at least 15% less than competitive check varieties on
average gives WL 3471.HVXRR at least a 15% greater RFQ (relative forage quality)
and NDFD (neutral detergent fiber digestibility).
• Superb yield potential and agronomic characteristics under 3-cut system
if extending cutting frequency, or under 4- to 5-cut systems to maximize
feed value
• Our newest disease resistance greatly effecting establishment and in-crop
performance, WL 3471.HVXRR’s Disease Resistance Index (DRI) of 39/40 also
includes HR (high resistance) to enhanced multi-race aphanomyces1
, and
resistance to anthracnose race 52
• Disease Resistance Index (39/40) and very winterhardy, (1.9), delivering long
stand life under tough growing conditions
• WL 3471.HVXRR is stacked with Roundup Ready® Technology for exceptional
broad spectrum weed control and crop safety to maximize seedling survival at
establishment and provide a useful tool on established stands
• Well-adapted for Midwest, Northeast, Central and Northern Plains, as well as
Intermountain Regions and Northwestern U.S.; ideally-suited for on-farm dairy,
beef or cash hay producers
• Expect fast recovery for frequent harvest schedules under intense management
AP Bigfoot from AgriPro/Syngenta has a large footprint. It is a medium early, medium height variety with good acid soil tolerance as well as a good disease package. AP Bigfoot features exceptional yield and good straw strength and test weight. This variety does well planted late in a double crop situation. It is a high tillering variety with very good drought tolerance. It seems to prefer not being placed under irrigation.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
LCS Steel AX is a 2022 released CoAXium, Certified Seed Only, from Limagrain Cereal Seeds. This is a medium-tall, late maturing variety with excellent fall ground cover and grazing, very good straw strength and drought tolerance, and excellent yield potential. It has good resistance to Fusarium Head Blight. LCS Steel AX is resistant to the Aggressor herbicide and is a good tool for eliminating feral rye, cheat, and other nuisance grasses. Growers must register on the AgCelerate website and sign a technology license agreement.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
AG Radical, released by AGSECO, is a medium maturity variety with excellent straw strength, very good test weight, FHB and acid soil tolerance. It is very competitive on yield and has good protein. It is rated average on drought tolerance.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
WB4401, from WestBred, is adapted to central Kansas and Oklahoma. It is a medium maturity variety with excellent yield potential and seedling vigor, good disease package and milling and baking quality. It has good FHB tolerance and is an excellent forage producer. This is a great variety for late planting, after beans or milo. A growth regulator may be a good option for high yield goals. WB4401, like all newer WestBred releases, is Certified Seed Only.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
AgriPro/Syngenta’s SY Wolverine is a medium early hard red winter wheat with outstanding yield performance, great potential for grain and grazing, and good wheat streak mosiac tolerance. It has strong straw, good winter hardiness and protein, as well as excellent test weight. It is susceptible to low pH. SY Wolverine is a race horse and it is broadly adapted.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
LCS Atomic AX, from Limagrain Cereal Seeds, is a hardy Certified Seed Only wheat with drought, heat, and low pH tolerance and an excellent yield record. It is an early maturing variety with large seed, good straw strength, grazing potential, and test weight. This variety has quick emergence and a strong disease package. LCS Atomic AX is resistant to Aggressor® brand herbicides, making it an excellent tool to clean up fields with unwanted nuisances. Growers must register on the AgCelerate website and sign a technology license agreement.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
German Strain R Millet, also called foxtail millet, is an annual warm-season grass that matures rather quickly during the summer. German millet forms slender, erect, and leafy stems that can vary in height from 2 to 5 feet with cylindrical, compact heads. The spines of the heads are usually reddish-purple in the early stage, but more straw-colored at maturity. This variety has good seedling vigor, is resistant to lodging, and is quite drought tolerant. The seed can be planted when the soil is warm, from mid-May through August at a rate of 15 to 20 lb/acre.
Grain Sorghum Dyna-Gro M60GB31
Excellent top yields with very uniform plants and eye appeal
Medium plant height, average 42-48“ with semi-open heads
Bob Dole was developed by Kansas State University and is released by AgriPro/Syngenta. It is a medium maturity variety with a good disease package and some FHB tolerance. It is a taller wheat, but it has good straw strength, good forage, and is a consistent yielder. Bob Dole has excellent low pH tolerance. It has a lower tillering capacity, so planting populations should be increased and it would not be an ideal choice if routine yields are above 80 bushels/acre. This wheat has excellent end use.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
WB4269, from West Bred, is a Certified Seed Only medium early, medium short release with very good seedling vigor and yield potential, as well as good test weight and protein. It has improved FHB tolerance, holds dormancy well, and has excellent stay green and grainfill under tough conditions. It finishes quickly to facilitate double cropping. Use caution on low pH soils to avoid aluminum toxicity.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
Wonderleaf is a bush type hybrid pearl millet with high yield potential. It grows quickly, reaching the boot stage in 62 days. Wonderleaf has a high level of tolerance to many pathogens and high humidity, but cannot tolerate standing surface water. Wonderleaf can be grown on as little as 16 inches of water, however greater tonnage will be produced with greater water availability.
This Apache BMR hybrid pearl millet has a high level of palatability, which makes it an excellent choice for grazing and well suited for hay. It is a late maturing hybrid with panicle emergence at about 30 days later than other pearl millets. The longer harvest window allows the producer to maintain quality while waiting for greater yield than conventional pearl millets.
WL 375HVX.RR Alfalfa
WL 375HVX.RR offers tremendous value of flexibility in choosing to maximize fiber digestibility, or realize greater yield by delaying cutting frequency, perhaps removing 1 cut, without sacrificing feed quality
Reduced-lignin % (ADL, acid detergent lignin) content of 22% less than the average of competitive check varieties gives WL 375HVX.RR a 16% greater RFQ (relative forage quality), and a 18% greater NDFD (neutral detergent fiber digestibility) than the average of competitive check varieties
Superb yield potential and agronomic characteristics under 4-cut system if delaying cutting frequency, or under 5- to 6-cut systems to maximize increased feed value
Perfect Disease Resistance Index (40/40), which includes ‘High Resistance’ to Aphanomyces Race 1, Race 2, AND Race 3; and includes multi-race resistance to Anthracnose
WL 375HVX.RR contains Roundup Ready® Technology for unsurpassed broad spectrum weed control and crop safety to maximize seedling survival at establishment and provide a useful tool on established stands
Fast recovery for frequent harvest schedules under intense management
Quick stand establishment with WL 375HVX.RR that comes fully loaded with W-L’s Gold Treatment PLUS containing Stamina® and Take-Off® seed treatment
Doublestop CL+ is a two gene Clearfield wheat from Oklahoma Genetics, Inc. This variety has a strong tolerance for the Beyond herbicide and MSO to control unwanted nasties. Doublestop CL+ has very good yield potential, winterhardiness, test weight, and drought tolerance, as well as good grazing in the fall. It is a high tillering wheat with good straw strength. It is moderately tolerant to acid soils. Doublestop CL+ is a medium late maturing variety. It has an intermediate disease package and is best adapted to south central Kansas and north central Oklahoma. Growers must sign a stewardship agreement stating that they realize that they cannot keep the grain produced for seed.
PVPA Status: Protected, must be sold only as a class of certified seed.
We offer high grade hard red winter FOOD WHEAT BERRIES. It has excellent milling and baking quality.
Hard red wheat will make an ideal flour for baking breads and is a good all-purpose flour as well.
The price is $20.00/ per 50 lb bag. Call us for a shipping quote.
Forage Sorghum Dyna-Gro Fullgraze II BMR
Full Season Brown Mid-Rib – Harvest or Graze Any Time
New design, late maturing forage sorghum that allows for a wider harvest window of higher quality BMR forage
Higher yields and digestibility than conventional sorghum sudan hybrids
Excellent tillering, recovery and regrowth after cutting
Consistently #1 in cattle preference grazing trials
Wide range of adaptation because of its very high quality forage and superior drought tolerance
High green leaf retention, produces high RFV forage
Can be planted anywhere – harvest whenever you want and as often as you want!
WL 356HQ.RR continues the long line of “HQ” alfalfas with the ability to hold forage quality in delayed harvests. This variety has the highest Aphanomyces Root Rot Race 1 & 2 Resistance in a Genuity® Roundup Ready® alfalfa. It is a great choice for tough, wet, seepy soils as well as for dryland production. WL 356HQ.RR, a FD4 alfalfa, has outstanding yield and quality along with unbeatable disease tolerance, in 3-5 cut management systems. It is highly resistant to stem nematode.
Rye is the hardiest of the cereal crops and grows more quickly and provides more forage than either wheat or triticale. Cereal rye can persist in the soil for several years. It has an extensive root system. We supply a VNS (Variety Not Stated) rye as a service to our customers.
We buy all of our rye and triticale from other sources, already processed and bagged.
Forage Sorghum Dyna-Gro DynaGraze II
Consistent high yields with excellent regrowth and recovery
Juicy sweet fine stems for improved feed quality
Should be harvested prior to boot stage for maximum quality
Cut or graze approximately 3-4 inches above soil
Very good foliar disease resistance
WL 372HQ.RR combines exceptional yield potential, broad adaptation, and superior feed value. It is very winterhardy and has an excellent disease package, including high resistance to stem nematode. WL 372HQ.RR is a FD5 alfalfa that maximizes profitability under intensive management. This fine stemmed, leafy, top quality variety utilizes the breakthrough benefits of the Roundup Ready® weed control system.
• Superb yield potential and agronomic performance under 4 to 6-cut harvest
management systems (FD=5.0) in locations throughout the West
• Solid winterhardiness (WH=2.5); WL 377HQ delivers excellent cold
tolerance and persistence
• “HQ” feed value levels make WL 377HQ highly desirable for cash hay
and dairy producers alike
• Highly-resistant to all major nematodes and aphids
• WL 377HQ delivers fast recovery, quickly closing the canopy to outpace
yield-robbing weeds
• Perfect disease resistance index (DRI) of 30/30 for solid yield potential and
stand persistence across a wide range of soil types and climates
• Great standability for intensive management systems
• Dark green, fine-stemmed, and a highly palatable HQ variety
Our best conventional irrigated alfalfa, WL 365HQ has high yield potential as well as supreme forage quality. It is extremely winterhardy (WH=1.1), has a fall dormancy rating of 4.9, and a perfect disease resistance index of 30/30. WL 365HQ has fast regrowth and outstanding standability. This variety is an ideal choice for cash hay or dairy producers.
Unparalleled yield potential and exceptional forage quality on even the toughest soils makes WL 354HQ a great choice for dairy, beef, and cash hay producers. It provides the opportunity to significantly reduce the impact of root disease on seedling establishment and stand life. Suited both for flood irrigation and dryland production, WL 354HQ is adapted for difficult conditions, including poorly drained soils.
SS120 is a high producing, fine stemmed alfalfa with good stand persistence and winterhardiness. It performs well in moderate input environments, and can be used in both dryland and irrigated applications. SS120 is a Fall Dormancy 4.